Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sick and tired...

....of being sick and tired. Tyson says he has had enough of being sick. He now has bronchiolitis and an ear infection. Oh the joys of having a baby in the prime of respiratory season. He avoided being hospitalized, but we have to visit the outpatient respiratory clinic at the hospital every few hours for suctioning and nebulizer treatments. It is so not fun climbing in the car at 4 am to drive to the hospital. I have driven 150 miles back and forth in 3 days. Hopefully he will improve quickly. This picture was taken before one treatment. For some reason he finds the things hanging on the wall terribly amusing.


Evenspor said...

Aww. Poor little guy.

tempppo said...

:( Poor kid -- and sad momma. Hope things get better soon.

Our little guy thinks it's funny to be sideways/ almost upside down. These kids have weird humor.