Tuesday, March 16, 2010

order from chaos

Last night was the big dress rehersal for Rylan's program. I was so glad to be an observer and not be in charge of anything. Peter Christie of Ballet West took the reins and corralled all these kids into place. He did a great job with them. He seems to have the perfect personality for this kind of thing, he would push them hard to fix something, and then walk up and down as they dance praising what he liked. The kids really responded well to him, especially when he started dancing next to them. When he demonstrated some leaps and spins he wanted fixed, they realized this wasn't just some old guy yelling at them, he is an accomplished dancer. We are looking forward to the first program tonight. Please forgive my blurry photos, I was across the room and not using my flash so I wasn't a distraction. My camera doesn't do so well without the flash. Oh, and these photos are a sneek peek at the Sorcerer's Apprentice part of the program.

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