Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's all fun and games until....

We started out with a mission this morning...have some good old fashioned fun. For the most part we succeeded. We played music. We worked on a construction site. We played in the water. We visited the grocery store. We played in a pile of ground cork. And then he crashed, and cried and bled. And then we went to the doctors office. At least it didn't require stitches, just a liberal amount of glue. He tried hard to be brave, but it really hurt. That nasty old apple tree just came out of nowhere and attacked him. It isn't nice to attack a guy when he isn't even looking, oh wait, that was the whole problem, he wasn't watching where he was going. The other two would have just had a nasty bump, not Cole, he has to go all out. At least we were almost ready to leave. We will try again another day thanks to the complimentary pass the guy at the first aid station gave us. Next time he will wear a helmet and pads and be covered in bubble wrap.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Ouch!!! Tell Colton to tell the apple trees to leave him alone!