Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

Saturday was spent in a flurry of activity. As soon as I got home from work we got the kids up and hurried off to the Taylorsville egg hunt. We have a family friend who is involved with the event so we go there to meet up with them and catch up a little. The kids usually come away with enough goodies to keep them satisfied.

We then went to visit my family. I knew Grandma had some surprises for the kids, and since I worked on Sunday, I knew our chances to visit were limited. Then we went to see Erik's mom. Then we finally headed home. I intended to color easter eggs and such, but at this point I was 33 hours without sleep and fairly delirious. So we just found the things we needed for church and went to bed.

Sunday brought church and all that comes with getting three less than willing children up and ready by nine. And then home again and back to bed for me so that I can be writing this less than exciting post at 3:30 in the morning.

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