Friday, February 27, 2009

Birthday Fun

We had a great time as usual in Logan with our family. We took Grandma with us this time which was fun. Rylan and Grandma have really developed a good relationship so he enjoyed having her there for his birthday. Grandma bought the beautiful cake you see above.

We had a pinata full of candy and toys to celebrate. Alyssa had a great time trying to beat the thing open.
We also went to the Cache Valley Fun Park and played arcade games and did our usual bowling. There isn't much else to do in Logan in the winter. It was far too cold to be outside. Even Grandma got into the games, she has the best luck of anyone I know.
Aunt Mandy and Uncle John provided the favorite birthday gift: a new skateboard. Rylan can't wait to get out there and practice. He wants to get good enough to go to the skate park and learn some tricks. I'm not so sure about that. I am afraid he would break something, or a lot of somethings.

I think all the excitement got to be a little too much for Alyssa. Every time we put her in the car she went to sleep on the shoulder of the person sitting next to her, in this case Alyson. I couldn't have come up with a better birthday weekend. We will have to do it again soon for Alyson's birthday. Maybe next time we can go to the nickle arcade here in Salt Lake.


A Paperback Writer said...

so, in about 2 1/2 years, he'll be my student.
oh my.
I am sooooo old.

dancinfool said...

You had better count on it. We plan on living in the area, and if not oh well, I already drive them to Orchard which is close to there anyway, what's a little farther. We are really hoping to find a better housing situation soon.

tempppo said...

Happy Birthday Rylan. You look great!